Quality of the construction

The main factor which influences the cost of the construction of a house is the quality of the building materials.
To avoid building a house of inadequate materials and improper workmanship, whether it is built of brick, wood or metal, we urge you to consider the following tips:
Steel frame houses:
- profiles, that form the walls of the house, should have wide width and be made of thick steel
- the zinc coat which and protects profiles against corrosion, should be 275g
- steel, the profiles are manufactured from, should be type S320GD, S350GD
- balconies, cantilevered terraces should be insulated on both sides
- building a house with more stories or attic, for the execution of the floors, we recommend to use wider profiles to avoid buckling sensation of it
- inside the walls for insulation should use rock wool of 10cm with a density of 40kg / m3
- wiring and plumbing must be executed so that the exterior walls insulation layer should not be affected, that is cut or broken
- exterior walls, on ceiling or under roof framing should mount aluminum foil against condensation
- inside the walls is recommended to mount two layers of drywall
Masonry houses:
- iron used for reinforced concrete must be shaped and connected properly
- for the execution of the foundation, pillars and concrete lintels, vibrating concrete is recommended
- balconies, cantilevered terraces should be insulated on both sides
- exterior walls of the house should be executed of at least a 30cm brick, but is advisable to use the 38 cm
- between bricks should not be air pockets, each joint should be sealed with masonry mortar
- use, as possible, undamaged bricks
- concrete lintels and concrete pillars should be pre-insulated with a 3 cm polystyrene
- the exterior walls of the house should be plastered on both sides
- if plumbing pipes and electrical cables were placed in the walls it is necessary to install a fiberglass mesh to avoid fissures and cracks
- wood framing used should have the qualities listed in wood structures (timber frame houses)
- the final appearance of the house must be one well executed, with straight walls and ceilings, without bumps, and perfect angles 90 degrees
Timber frame houses:
- wood used to build a house should be dried
- fireproof timber shall be well treated against insects
- quality wood has nodes removed and they are reglued
- to perform electrical wiring, cables must be entered in corrugated tubes and used both switches and outlets
- combining elements of walls, floor and roof framing, must be executed using appropriate materials or spiral or grooved nails
- plasterboard shouldn’t be mounted directly on the wooden structure, but installed in a separate structure for drywall
- if the outside of the structure of the wood is overlaid with OSB plates, when apply polystyrene it must be used a special adhesive for OSB
- insulation of the inside walls should be preferably be fire resistant
- plasterboard used inside should be fire resistant and mounted in two layers
